SMART EUROPE - Smart strategies to create innovation-based jobs in regions of Europe

Programme: Interreg IVC


Lifetime: January 2012 – December 2014


Keywords: smart strategies, SMEs, innovation, policies


Objective: SMART EUROPE is based on the notion that smart and targeted regional policies and interventions can in fact be designed in order to boost employment directly in the smart innovation based sectors in a region, thus creating maximum employment growth within the sectors that contribute most to the regional economy. The activities of SMART EUROPE include the collection and documenting of effective policy instruments in this field from partners and other actors. During a series of Peer Reviews the partners will identify the driving sectors and actors for innovation based employment in each partner region, tackle the specific challenges related to job-creation in these sectors and present packages of policy measures and instruments tailored to these regional circumstances. The regions will make Action Plans to implement the proposed measures during the project. The results of the project are documented in a SMART EUROPE Toolkit, available for use by other EU regions. Regional, National.




Flevoland province (NL, lead partner),

Assembly of European Regions (FR),

MMU/Centre for Enterprise (UK),

Veneto region and Veneto Innovazione (IT),

Province of Bologna (IT),

Észak-Alföld regional development agency (HU),

Maramures County (RO),

ALMI Mid Sweden (SE),

Patras Science Park/Western Greece (EL),

Sor-Trondelag County (No),

Baltic Institute of Finland (FI)

Avila County (ES)